Mission & Vision

The mission of the Barnabas & Ruth Foundation is to provide financial assistance and counseling services to support families and loved ones of people with addiction in repairing and strengthening their connections. The vision is to facilitate healthy reconnections within families, ensuring a robust recovery journey for individuals battling addiction.

Families’ Role In Addiction Recovery

Family plays a vital role in the recovery process for individuals facing various challenges. Whether someone is recovering from addiction, mental health issues, or physical illnesses, the support and love from family members are often crucial in promoting healing and well-being. Family is a unique source of connection, understanding, and unconditional love, providing a safe and nonjudgmental space for individuals to seek comfort and support. 


Addiction & Family Dynamics

The impact of addiction on families is often profound, causing immense pain and distress. Loved ones of addicts endure an emotional rollercoaster as they witness the destructive behaviors and consequences that come with addiction. They experience a range of negative emotions, such as fear, anger, sadness, and helplessness, as they grapple with the consequences of their loved one's addiction.

Family members may find themselves constantly worried about the well-being and safety of the addict, living with a sense of uncertainty and anxiety. Moreover, they may endure financial strain, strained relationships, and a sense of betrayal as their trust is repeatedly broken. Addiction can cause a breakdown in family dynamics, leading to arguments, isolation, and conflicts.

Empowering Families To Heal

The issue at hand is the financial strain caused by the excessive spending on the addicts themselves. However, the Barnabas and Ruth Foundation is actively working to secure funding that would assist in providing counseling support for the individuals affected by the addicts' behavior.