More Than a Statistic

A life-or-death struggle…

If you know someone personally who has struggled with addiction, you understand the significance of this work. If you do not, please know this is a life-or-death ministry that saves individuals and restores families. The individuals affected are typically powerless to save themselves and have left significant damage in their path. The families often suffer from deep-seated pain, unresolved bitterness, and emotional scars akin to post-traumatic stress disorder. Consider these statistics.

By the numbers…

Substance abuse disorders affect 37.3 million Americans aged 12 and over in 2020. 

28.3 million Americans aged 12 and over have an alcohol use disorder.

Over 10 million people misuse opioids every year, and 50,000 die from overdose.

Accidental drug overdose is a leading cause of death among persons under the age of 45.

More than 110,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the US in 2022.

Families affected by addiction say it has damaged family relationships (76%) and mental health (70%).

57% of families affected by addiction say it has caused significant stress on their family finances.

35% of divorces list substance abuse as the top reason for the decision

50% of all suicides are associated with alcohol and drug dependence

70% of adolescent suicides are associated with alcohol and drug dependence

Our Mission

The Barnabas & Ruth Foundation is committed to redefining addiction recovery with a holistic approach that includes resources for the entire family. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of those fighting addiction and their families. Your donation will:

1. Provide Financial Support for the families of individuals in recovery so they can also receive counseling services. 

2. Build Healing Environments that are essential for long-term recovery.

3. Facilitate Connection via specialized programs and enhanced resources that foster meaningful familial connections and promote healthy family dynamics.